Hi Surrey Canadian Families,
As the 2024 Baseball season comes upon us, it’s time again to look at our officiating for the upcoming year. With numerous opportunities this year for kids of all ages, whether they play in Surrey or not, we offer the opportunity for children and adults to get outside and make some money by taking an important role in the game we love.
2024 will be a critical year for our younger umpires when we host games and tournaments, it will be integral that we have umpires ready to go.
We will be hosting our Level 1 and Level 2 Clinics at the Lionel Courchene Batting Cage on April 6, 2024.
To register for these clinics, you’ll have to go to the BCBUA Website (www.bcbua.ca) and login or create an account and register as an umpire for the upcoming year, then navigate to clinics and select the Surrey clinic applicable to your level.
Please be sure to keep your registration receipts, as we will rebate the umpire registration cost for any Surrey Canadian players after you officiate 10 games with us. In addition to the practical clinic there will be an online module to complete with BCBUA for the knowledge portion prior to the exam for 2024.
If you are unable to attend our clinic, you can find other dates and locations under Clinics on the BCBUA website.
Rob McKay
President SCBA
Look for Lionel Courchene Batting Cage Surrey
Only 2 schedules left: Saturday March 30 @ 9AM Monday April 8 @ 5:30PM